Become a Commercial Drone Pilot
Becoming a Commercial UAV Drone Pilot in the UK - General Info and FAQ .
So you want to fly a drone and use it to either make money or for commercial use ?
Well we have tried to put together this useful guide with some of the main rules and requirements.
Q: Do I need a licence or qualification to fly a drone or uav ?
A: If you intend on using your drone or uav for commercial work , paid work or even for considerable reward then the answer is yes . You will need to hold a current PfCO Permission for Commercial Operations certificate issued by the CAA.
Q: How Do I obtain a PFAW now Known as PfCO from the CAA ?
A: The easiest way is via one of the approved training courses in the UK, these are known as NQE's which stands for National Qualified Entity, This will involve typically a 2 day ground school training course with a theory exam on the last day , on successfully passing the exam you then complete a Ops Manual and this is relevant to the work and machine you intend to use ie sub 7kg or 7-20kg . After the ops manual is reviewed by the training school you will be then ready to take your flight test. We can now offer a fully tailored written ops manual prepared by one of our drone training specialists.
Q: Who do you recommend as a training provider and why ?
A: We recommend Icarus Training because after many of our own team and customers passing through other providers who we will not name , have provided feedback stating the course does not deliver quality content.